Upgrade your Human Resources Management with VitalTeam: Discover the "Talent Search" Functionality

"VitalTeam's Talent Search functionality is revolutionising human resources management for greater transparency, efficiency and agility. Find out how it can transform your business. #HR #TeamManagement"

Human resources management is central to the success of any business. Finding the right people for the right jobs, fostering collaboration between teams and developing individual skills are key elements of optimal organisational performance. This is where VitalTeam's Talent Sourcing Functionality comes in, revolutionising the way companies manage their human resources.

What is the VitalTeam Talent Search Functionality?

VitalTeam's Talent Search functionality is an innovation that simplifies the way companies manage their human resources. This functionality allows teams to openly declare that they are looking for people to fill certain roles within their projects. It promotes transparency and collaboration within the organisation.

How does it work?

Talent Search works simply and effectively. A team can tick a box to indicate that it is actively looking for people for specific roles. This information is then visible to everyone in the company, creating a dashboard of internal opportunities.

The 7 Benefits of the Talent Search Functionality

  • Transparency within the organisation: The Talent Search function promotes transparency by enabling all teams to openly communicate their staffing needs.
  • Alignment with Objectives: It helps to align human resources with team and company objectives by seeking out the specific skills needed to complete projects.
  • Reactivity: It enables vacant roles to be filled quickly, which is essential for maintaining productivity and achieving project objectives.
  • Cost reduction: By facilitating internal recruitment or employee mobility, it can reduce the costs associated with external recruitment.
  • Skills Development: It offers employees the opportunity to apply for roles that interest them or match their skills, thereby promoting their professional development.
  • Skills Match: This ensures that the people assigned to a role have the skills needed to perform it successfully, improving the quality of work and reducing errors.
  • Culture of Collaboration: This reinforces the culture of collaboration by enabling teams to work together to identify staffing needs and find internal solutions.

A concrete example

Let's take the example of a team that wants to strengthen the sustainable development side of its business. The team in charge realises that it needs specific skills in sustainable project management to successfully complete the project. However, no-one in the team has these specific skills.

By activating VitalTeam's Talent Search function, the team can quickly announce that they are looking for someone with these skills. An employee from another department of the company, with a passion for sustainable development, applies for this temporary role. The team obtains the necessary skills without recruiting permanently, and the employee gains valuable experience in an area that interests him or her.


In conclusion, VitalTeam's Talent Sourcing functionality simplifies human resources management by promoting transparency, collaboration, cost reduction and skills development. It also strengthens the culture of collaboration within your organisation. Find out today how VitalTeam can transform your organisation by simplifying talent management.

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